November 2021

In God’s presence

King David wrote: “In God’s presence there is fullness of joy.” (Psalms 16:11) Moses pleaded that God’s presence should accompany them in their journey. (Exodus 33:15) Lord Jesus Christ is called Immanuel, God with us. (Matthew 1:23) In God’s presence His people could do many things. 1) Seek: David writes that he will seek His

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Individual Freedom

News about horror killing dubbed honour killing is common in many countries in Asia. If a boy or girl gets married to someone from another caste, the couple is ostracised, boycotted and sometimes killed. The community is considered greater than the individual. In some countries, ruled by dictators the government or state is greater than

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Larger than life

There are many who boast that they have visited heaven or seen horrors of hell. Some photoshop their pictures along with huge crowds to show they are celebrities with huge fans. Such projections, promotions or propaganda are termed as ‘larger than life’ profiles. This is like what aspiring movie stars do to promote themselves. Paul

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