Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on stage during the 94th Academy Awards on 27 March 2022, for insulting his wife. Later he apologized, however, the incident and video became viral. Kangana Ranaut, an actor approved this public violent act on her Twitter page. After she was elected as a Member of Parliament, a woman police officer Kulwinder Kaur slapped her at the Chandigarh airport. The officer said that Kangana had insulted her mother who participated in the Farmers’ agitation, who was also arrested. (The Indian Express, 8 June 2024) Paul writes: “Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves.” (Romans 14:22) By approving an unruly act of Will Smith, Kangana self-condemned herself. It is like scoring self-goals.
Approved violence: When a public act of violence is approved, inevitably, more violence becomes the norm in the public space. Individual freedom ends where the nose of the neighbor begins. There is a dictum: “Your liberty to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.” Freedom of a person does not give liberty to hit or harm others.
Approved arrogance: Whatever may be the provocation, William Smith did not have legal authority to punish Chris Rock. If he had a grievance, he should have filed a complaint, then charge-sheeted, and the court could award punishment. By executing punishment, what he thought was punishment, William Smith violated the law.
Approved lawlessness: People like William Smith take the law into their own hands, or think they are above the law or law is ineffective in punishing the wicked.
Sow and Reap: Sadly, Kangana publicly approved this violence perpetuated by William Smith and claimed she would have done the same. In essence, she stood with a man who was violent, arrogant, and lawless. Incidentally, she became a victim of the highhandedness of a woman police officer who was hurt by Kangana’s comments and sarcastic criticisms. Whatsoever a person sows, so shall he reap. (Galatians 6:7) Those who pick up the sword will fall by the sword. (Matthew 26:52)
Do I approve what God does not approve?