Peter Challenges believers to always be ready to share the reason for our faith. (I Peter 3:15) There are three aspects we ought to be prepared for.
1) Personal testimony: All disciples should prepare their testimony. The testimony should have three parts. This is the template: Life before knowing Lord Jesus Christ; how s/he came to Christ and the changed life. This is the model Paul followed when he spoke to the Jewish mob in Jerusalem. (Acts 22: 1-21) All three elements should be of equal number of words or time taken to communicate. Believers should be able to share in three sentences – one sentence for each section in the template. It could be expanded to five sentences for each section. Then it could be ten or fifteen sentences for each section.
2) Gospel essentials: Disciples should be disciplined and should know to share the gospel in a coherent manner. First, gospel events are based on the Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Sharing the life of the Lord from Virgin birth to ministry, cross, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Second, Gospel truths are about the Lord’s sinless humanity, purpose of his death, significance of His resurrection, importance of ascension and hope of His glorious Coming. Lord Jesus claims: as the Light of the world, the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Resurrection, the Good Shepherd, the Gate should be clearly explained. Third, the Gospel demands that a person should respond. A person should exercise his/her faith on Lord Jesus Christ. S/he should be willing to take up the cross and follow Lord Jesus. Repentance, forsaking sins, restoration, and reconciliation should be taught. Four, Gospel promises include forgiveness of sins, declared righteous, becoming His children, adapted to family, sealed by the Holy spirit and assurance of heaven.
3) Defence – objections: In the workplace, there would be various kinds of people. They could be religious, nominal, atheist, agnostic, materialistic…etc. Frequently asked questions by these people should be known and replies should be prepared accordingly. A prepared mind, expecting questions is essential for effective workplace evangelism.
Am I prepared always to share my faith?