Bible Inspires good works

Heavy rains battered the city of Chennai for six days. Houses were flooded, roads disappeared under water, people had to suffer without food, electricity and other basic amenities. A 24-year-old man, Udayakumar, was lying unconscious inside a cemetery. He was drenched in water and presumed dead. When Police Inspector Rajeswari received information that a man was found dead at a cemetery and rushed to the spot with her team. As a trained athlete, that too as a weightlifter, she carried the man, sensed movements inside the person, provided first-aid, and rushed him to Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital. (DT Next 13 November 2021) She had earlier done such things in her long service as police personnel including rescuing several people during a stampede in Mahamaham at Kumbakonam in 1992; admitting destitute women to hospitals, helping rag pickers, distributing clothes, towels and bedsheets to pavement dwellers. When asked by a reporter she gave three reasons for her deed.

1) Bible: The Word of God teaches to love neighbours, show hospitality to strangers, and do Good Works. (Matthew 22:37-39; Hebrews 13:2) Bible teaches not to be weary of doing good. (Galatians 6:9)

2) Parents: Rajeswari said: “My father, who was also in police, used to tell me stories about the suffering of people living in tribal areas. He used to always ask me to help people who are suffering,” Teaching, implanting moral values, and giving vision of social responsibility are the primary responsibility of parents. Her father could inspire, equip, and encourage her to serve society selflessly.

3) Mother Teresa: The fragile woman who selflessly served the poor, deprived, those left presumed dead, maimed, abandoned and sick in Kolkata inspired thousands. The life of Mother Teresa inspired Rajeswari to contribute to alleviate the pain and misery of the poor. (DT Next 13 November 2021)
She was appreciated by the Chief Minister MK Stalin and the Director General of Police Sylendra Babu. Her excellent performance in work and service in society makes her light to the world and salt to earth. (Matthew 5: 13-16)

Do I light a candle amidst darkness?