Children fall to death

A six-year-old boy, who fell into an open borewell in Madhya Pradesh’s Rewa district died despite hectic efforts by multiple agencies to save him. (Telegraph India, 14 April 2024) Similar deaths happen every day, as people do not take precautions to prevent such accidents and deaths. Safety and security should be a priority; however, many people are negligent. Either the government fails to frame laws or laws are simply ignored. The Bible teaches: “When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring the guilt of blood upon your house if anyone should fall from it.” (Deuteronomy 22:8)

Selfish: Some people are so selfish and do not consider the needs, rights, or security of others. Selfish people think that the other person’s safety and security are not their responsibility. Some, even interpret that as their karma, the sin of the victim’s previous birth.

Stingy: Saving money may be a good virtue but it should not put the lives of others into jeopardy. Saving money is trying to gain future security, but that should not put others at immediate risk.

Victim blaming: Some people blame the hapless victim, accusing them of being rash and careless. Instead of owning responsibility, they try to shift blame to others.

Royal Commandment: The Royal Law teaches you to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love the neighbor as yourself. Not providing security features like that of the borewell not covered, manhole removed, pit not covered, live wire unprotected, well without protection walls, staircases without railings, and roofs without parapets…are some of the ways, the rights of others are neglected or abused.

Guilt: According to the Law of Moses, such negligence is a sin against God. The guilt of bloodshed would be upon those who failed to take necessary preventive measures. It could be an injury, temporary disablement, or death. God as judge of the whole universe will punish and judge those who ignore the welfare of others.

Am I mindful of the safety of others?