Mukti Bhavan

Some people wish to die on the banks of the River Ganges, in a particular area. According to their belief, those who die there, are married to god and liberated from the cycles of birth. Facilities like Mukti Bhavan with several rooms in Varanasi, cater to the needs of such people who are brought by loving family members.

Appointed to die: The Bible teaches that all humans born in this world are destined to die. (Hebrew 9:27) Paul describes death as the last enemy of humans to be destroyed. (I Corinthians 15:24)

Accountability: Death is not the end of human life. God created humans to live beyond death. After death there is judgment. Many who die on the shores of sacred rivers think of death as a disconnection from human life and the beginning of a new life, married or integrated or immersed into the ultimate spirit or god. Life after death is the reward for the way the life was lived. Those who repent from sin and receive their Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ will live with God in Heaven forever. Others will live to endure the Second Death in hell. (Revelation 21:8)

Heaven: Holy God dwells in Heaven, His dwelling place. He receives believing humans because of the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ into His Eternal mansion.

Resurrection: There is no reincarnation, the belief that the soul keeps on changing the physical body from humans to 8.4 million species. All who die in Christ will be raised and transformed to meet the Lord when He comes. The rest of humanity, who rejected the Lord, also will be resurrected to face the Judgement of God.

External realities: Dying in a particular place or auspicious time or the arms of loved ones, when doing pious duty (including misguided religious jihads) does not guarantee heaven. If so, only a few people from a particular race or nationality could be eligible for salvation. The gospel of salvation is universal and for all who believe.
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