In one organization, always responsibility would be given to a person, but to perform, authority or resources would not be given. Then that person will be blamed for incompetence or lack of accountability. Stewardship has three components:
1) Responsibility: ‘Job Description’ provides a fair idea for a person to effectively function. Clear cut definitions, the method of performance, expected results with additional explanations should be given to work. Even many parents do not know how to provide a task to their children. Most of the time there is no trust in that person means, vague responsibility and expectations. How can a person function without having any description of expected responsibility?
2) Authority: Leaders should delegate their authority to the person to whom task is given. The limits of authority also should be described. For example, the budget limits or time frame and other resources available should be clearly expressed.
3) Accountability: Certainly, accountability is a Christian virtue and is stewardship. There are some who claim that they are not accountable to any human institution, only to God. That means they do not deserve to live on this earth, only in heaven. If we live, we are accountable to others or institutions and government. Recently, one person who was receiving funds said that his donor should just donate and forget about it as he is the only one who can decide what is best for his context. He also presumed that donors would dictate, dominate and direct. This attitude is based on the philosophy of karma. It is my/your fate I/you give, or It is my/your fate I/you receive. However, the bible teaches about bondage of love, service with humility and demonstration of unity of spirit. In that sense, there should be healthy partnership. Both should express their expectations and work out an agreeable best practice. Without monitoring and accountability there would be huge wastage and recklessness in work.
Do I practice all components of stewardship effectively?