Technology has changed the methods, mode and style of our communication. It has evolved in three stages, when we observe the Social Media. First, it was dial-up connection. It was essential to have a wire connected to phone line to receive and send Internet signals. Second, Wi-Fi connections were introduced. Hot spots could provide Internet up to a certain radius. Third, ‘wearing technology’. This is used in satellite phones. Initially, it began with inserting a chip in wild animals and the signals from the animal was monitored to note their movements.
This parable is applicable in our spiritual lives.
1) Temple worship: In the Old Testament people had to come to the Tabernacle or Temple in Jerusalem. Sacrifices could be done only in those chosen places where priests would officiate. This is like the dial-up connection, when physical place and infrastructure was essential.
2) Truth and Spirit worship: In the conversation with the Samariatn woman, Lord taught her that worship need not be in designated place, new era has come. In the new era, all can worship the Lord in ‘truth and in spirit’ from anywhere, anytime. (John 4: 21-24) This is like wi-fi connection.
3) Lifestyle worship: Paul taught us to do all things for glory of God. (I Corinthians 10:31) That means all our activities 24/7 should be for His glory, i.e., worship. Even if a person drinks a glass of water, have lunch or drive to workplace or speaking or reading…God should be glorified. Paul exhorts us to pray without ceasing – 24/7. (I Thessalonians 5:17) Blessed person meditates the Word of God 24/7. (Psalms 1: 2) In other words, spiritual growth in which a person always in the ‘presence of God’ or carries His Presence always.
Spiritual growth is to move to the third level of hyper-connectedness. All of us should aspire to reach this level.
Am I growing in developing intimate relationship with the Lord?