Different thoughts

There was a technological fair in Europe a few decades ago. There were many new inventions were displayed. One foreman from Switzerland had developed an electronic watch. It was rejected by Swiss watch producers as a stupid thing as it did not have a mainspring, wheels, escape wheel…etc. One Japanese entrepreneur who visited the exhibition was so impressed with this electronic display watch and took him to Japan. Within months Japan became the largest producer of wristwatches and captured the global market. Like the Swiss makers, many people are unable to think beyond certain frameworks or paradigms. God’s thoughts are always above human thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Attitude: Paul refused to see himself as a hapless victim in prison. Instead, he said it enhanced the advance of the gospel. Paul considered that he was not tied to the chains, but the soldier at the other end was bound to him and he was a captive audience for the gospel. (Philippians 1:12-13)
Goal: Moses in his zeal and enthusiasm tried to bring justice for Hebrews under the Egyptian system. (Exodus 2:11-14) But God’s plan was not mere justice within a heathen system but the deliverance of people out of Egypt. It took 40 years for Moses to realize God’s higher purpose.
Desire: Hannah did not have a child because the Lord had closed her womb. (I Samuel 1:6) Hannah just needed a son, like any other woman, but God wanted a prophet and kingmaker. When her desire was yielded to God’s plan, she was blessed with Samuel.
Motivation: Paul was proud of his background, genealogy, education, and the city from which he hailed, had great religious zeal too. (Philippians 3:6) His zeal drove him to persecute the Church. When he encountered the Lord, his motivation was the love of God. (II Corinthians 5:24)
Relationship: Ananias was an earnest disciple and was aware that Saul had come to persecute Christians in Damascus. When the Lord sent him to Saul, he addressed the persecutor as a brother. (Acts 9:16-17) Today’s persecutors can become brothers tomorrow.
Is there a paradigm shift in my thoughts and acts?