There are few people who are branded as doomsday prophets. For they prophesied the judgment of God. Prophets in the Bible also proclaimed God’s judgment against unrepentant, haughty, rebellious humanity, including his disobedient Israel. “Disaster comes upon disaster.” (Ezekiel 7:26) However, there are young people using smartphones engaged in surfing websites and scrolling social media every moment to find disastrous, dangerous and damaging news even though they are depressing and saddening. On the other hand, Television news channels have dedicated daily news capsules of crimes. There are viewers who watch only such news. Consistently watching such content on screens is injurious to the health of a person. It begins with the spiritual life, then seeps into mental life and penetrates the physical life.
Spiritual health: This kind of news should drive disciples to God in repentance and seeking mercy. Otherwise, like the righteous Lot, a person could become vexed, fatigued, frustrated, distressed, and discouraged. (II Peter 2:7) Lot was witness to unrighteous, immoral, and violent acts of citizens of Sodom daily. His faith was tested, and his hope was challenged. Lot’s lack of fellowship with Abraham, magnified Lot’s spiritual well-being. Many youngsters who choose digital spirituality and shun physical fellowship suffer like Lot.
Mental health: Anxiety and depression is caused by just watching the negative news all around. There is no optimism left, which is the result of lack of faith. Pessimism could imprison a person to seek death, even by suicide. Lot’s daughters living in such an environment absorbed the worldview of Sodom and lacked spiritual discernment. Their cultural worldview drove them to have sexual relationships with their own father. (Genesis 19:30-38)
Physical health: Digestive problems, headaches, heart disease, weight gain, and high blood pressure are some of the consequences of declining spiritual and mental health.
Social health: Such consumption of negative news could make a person paranoid. The ability to trust others in the family or community becomes impossible. Relationships are not nurtured, easily broken, hence brings conflicts, fights, and abuses in the family and community.
Do I cultivate hope in Christ or a victim of doom scrolling?