October 2022

Absolutely nothing?

Paul writes a classic chapter describing love. The word used is not eros the romantic love, or storge the family love or philia the brotherly love, but Agape love. For Christians receiving the love of God and displaying that in life is an absolute mandate. (I Corinthians 13:1-3) Paul writes that without love, any ministry, […]

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Anti-dot for envy

F.B. Meyer and Campbell Morgan were great contemporary leaders. Meyer used to get a large crowd to hear his messages. Campbell Morgan also came to that location and started preaching. Gradually, many of Meyer’s congregation went to listen to Morgan. Envy, anger and jealousy overwhelmed Meyer. He prayed and asked God to deliver him from

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Revealed faith

Is Christian faith a ‘blind faith?’ Lord Jesus Christ taught if blind lead the blind, both will fall into a ditch. (Matthew 15:14) Hence, Christian faith could not be a ‘blind faith.’ If so, what is the basis of the Christian faith? 1) Revealed faith: Christian faith is one that was delivered to the saints.

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Lies as refuge

The righteous people take refuge in the strong tower, the Name of our Lord. (Proverbs 18:10) Fear of the Lord is the strong confidence, where people of God take refuge. (Proverbs 14:26) In contrast people of the world take refuge in lies and make falsehood as shelter. (Isaiah 28:15) Satan is Father of lies. (John

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