A missionary couple came to a small town. As they observe, they felt these people need education, modern medicine, hygiene and general discipline for progress. They decide to stay there and start a school. Initially the children were not interested. Parents did not want to send girls to school. Literally, they had to bribe (compensate) the parents for loss of work. Within ten years, the literacy rate shot up, mortality rate came down, general community discipline enhanced and there was visible overall progress. Only about half-a-dozen families were Christians while hundreds of parents of the students who studied were not. The missionaries died and were buried, their tombs unmarked. Similar incidents have happened in thousands of locations around the world.
Three young men listened to a conversation in which King David desires to drink water from a well in Bethlehem. (II Samuel 23: 15-17) Their loyalty to David was so high that they subtly broke through the security cordon of Philistines, fetched water from that very same well. David refused to drink, but poured it stating: “Far be it from me, O Lord, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives?” What a love, dedication, commitment, and life-risking devotion for their master?
Paul writes that he poured out his life as drink offering along with Philippian believers as sacrifice. (Philippians 2:17) The same idea he shares with Timothy. (II Timothy 4:6) He urges believers in Rome to be a ‘living sacrifice.’ (Romans 12:1)
A woman came to Lord Jesus and broke a perfume bottle to anoint Him. (Matthew 26:7) Judas estimated it to be three hundred denarii. (John 12:5) Others were indignant, Lord Jesus said it was done for his burial. Pouring out our life for the Lord will be considered ‘waste’ by the world, but precious for the Lord, while the world will enjoy the fragrance.
Is my life poured out as drink offering unto the Lord?