Excessive Punishment

50 girls hospitalized after corporal punishment at Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior College. She reportedly instructed students to sit and stand while holding their ears, a punishment meant for those deemed irregular in their studies. Around 100 students per day were subjected to this punishment over a span of three days, with each student ordered to perform the exercise a thousand times. (Deccan Chronicle, 17 September 2024) The maximum allowed in the Bible (Deuteronomy) was 40 lashes; 39 became a standard in Jewish law to make sure 40 lashes weren’t administered and thus the Law be broken. It was thought that anything more than about 40 or so might kill someone. (Deuteronomy 25:1-3) The penalty was to be given in the presence of the judge, so he could make sure the punishment was not excessive. God designed punishment that would not humiliate or rob the dignity of a person.
Rod of Discipline: The Bible teaches that children need discipline. (Proverbs 13:24) Punishment is part of discipline. Love is the basis for discipline and not anger or vengeance. The rod indicates that it is used by a shepherd. Parents and teachers are shepherds of children and use the rod to chastise, rebuke, and lead them in the right direction.
Humiliation: Punishment intended to help the person to understand his sin, repent, and restore. Excessive punishment will humiliate a person and kill his spirit and desire to live.
Robbed of dignity: Each person is created in the image of God. None should be deprived of the God-given dignity. Giving excessive punishment that exceeds 40 lashes is to violate a human and treat him like an animal.
Branded as wicked: When excessive punishment is given, the person would be ridiculed by all. Such a person will be considered evil, wicked, and isolated from the community, sometimes even from family.
Heart issue: A teacher should love children to help children measure up to their God-given potential. When a teacher cannot love children, or love the call to be a teacher, or love teaching; hate, bitterness, and ruthlessness take over.
Do I do my job with love and diligence?