Failure in prayer life?

The disciples discovered that the secret of the success of the Lord Jesus Christ’s ministry was his intimate communication with the Father. Hence, they requested the Lord to teach them to pray. The good Lord taught them to pray, reminded them how not to pray, and taught a parable of humble prayer. (Luke 11:1-13; 18:10-14; Matthew 6:1-13)
Impress me: The Pharisee found himself to be good. And prayer became a feel-good factor! He loved to pray in public places because he got a sense of satisfaction. By comparing himself with extortioners, unjust and adulterers, and those who were present to pray.
Impress others: Hypocrites like Pharisees pray in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by others. The audience for their prayer is not God, but humans around them. And the Lord, they got what they wanted, a reputation as pious, prayerful, and pure people. (Matthew 6:5)
Impress God: The Pharisees tried to impress God. First, he fasted twice a week. Not as a diet plan, but as a blackmail plan to make God relent to his prayers. Second, he gave tithes of all that he got, even the produce of his kitchen garden. Unfortunately, they had neglected the truth, mercy, and justice. (Matthew 23:23) Third, they tried to impress God with their empty phrases or repetition of words. They misunderstand that God would be impressed by their word, rhymes, and chants. (Matthew 6:5)
True prayer: The Lord taught that prayer should be addressed to the Father as a member of the Family of God. God is Holy and should be worshiped in holiness. The priority of the worshipper is the Kingdom of God. The supreme purpose of a disciple is to do the Will of God. A disciple should be humble to receive daily sustenance for physical, material, emotional, mental, social, economic, and spiritual life. By forgiving others a disciple, expresses his gratitude for the gift of forgiveness made available by the Son who died on the cross. A vulnerable disciple depends on deliverance from the Lord.
Has prayer helped me become a victorious Christian?