Fears in all generations

Humans are afraid of one thing or the other. When sin entered the lives of Adam and Eve, fear also entered. They were afraid of the good Holy God who loved to have an evening time of fellowship with them. (Genesis 3:8-10) The negative emotion has gripped humanity since then. One survey finds that Gen Z is significantly more fearful overall, specifically in the areas of Grief and Loss, Family Stress or Trauma, Financial Stress, and Hardship. Be not afraid is mentioned 103 times in the King James Version. To Fear God is mentioned several times indicating not to fear anything else.
Grief and Loss: In the world loss of life, opportunities, money, reputation, and health is a sure thing. When a person is dependent on anything or anyone other than God, there will be devastating grief and loss. Learning to know God, and His Word and trust Him dispels mundane fears of loss.
Family stress: Many couples like Isaac and Rebekah show favoritism and create division and stress in the family. Jacob had to be separated from his parents and brother Esau for over twenty years. Envious brothers sold Joseph as a slave in a foreign country. Divorce could make children devastated for life. Yet, God as the Father and the church as a family could help a person overcome family stress.
Financial stress: The Lord taught His disciples to prioritize the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all things will be added. Sadly, many are worried about tomorrow, and the need for food and clothing. If the Father in heaven feeds the birds and clothes the grass, how much more he would care for His children? (Matthew 6:25-33) He also taught his disciples to pray for their daily needs, our daily bread. (Matthew 6: 11)
Hardship: The world is filled with thorns and thistles as the curse for the sin of humanity. Life is not going to be easy. But God gives strength and succor to face all hardships.
Has the perfect love of God dispelled all my fears? (I John 4:11,18)