Five personalities

In the world, God uses different people to help believers grow, progress, discern, and fulfill God’s purpose. Indeed, David had five prominent personalities who shaped his life directly or indirectly.
Samuel: David’s father Jesse paraded all brothers to see if they were eligible to be anointed by Samuel. Yet, he did not summon David, probably, forgetting he was his son. Samuel had to gently ask if there was another son for Jesse. (I Samuel 16:1-13) All need someone like Samuel who will reach with the message of God. Indeed, someone must share the gospel for a person to become a disciple.
Goliath: The giant of the Philistines was changing the rules of war and demanding one of the Israelites to come on for a one-on-one flight. The army trembled and so did King Saul. The public boasting of Goliath provoked David, as he was zealous for the Lord. Goliath brought out the hidden godly potential of David. The most loved historical incident is when Little David defeated Giant Goliath. (I Samuel 17:50-53)
Saul: He was supposed to be the mentor of David but became his tormentor. As David defeated Goliath, he was given 10000 credits and Saul was given 1000 credits in the song of dancing women. Filled with envy, Saul thought of killing David. A nation hero suddenly became a rebel hounded by Saul. The truth is Saul drove David to take refuge in God and have an intimate relationship with Him. Many Psalms he wrote during such difficult days are an inspiration for people around the world in all generations.
Jonathan: Though being the son of Saul, Jonathan had spiritual discernment. He understood that God had chosen David as the next king of Israel. He was willing to serve under David as his deputy, though his father Saul wanted to kill him. His affirmation inspired David to be steadfast in his mission.
Nathan: The tough prophet who confronted and condemned David for his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. That led to David’s repentance and reconciliation with God. (II Samuel 12:7-14)
Am I grateful for the human resources God provides?