Buy one shirt and get one shirt free. For the purchase of one kg cake, one-half kg is free. These kinds of offers flood the market. The psychology of humans is to get cheaper things, if not free. They are immediately interested when they see a free product. However, some people think that it may be a ploy or design to cheat the customers by clearing unwanted stockpiles. In contrast, God invites humans to come, to have food, water, and wine and be satisfied without money. (Isaiah 55:1-2)
Everyone: There is a proverb, we can take a horse to water, but cannot make it drink. All who thirst are welcome. Blessed are those who thirst and hunger for righteousness, they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6) The Lord Jesus invited people to come and drink. (John 7:37)
Without money: Those who respond to God’s call need not bring any money. What they need is faith in the Lord who is trustworthy, resourceful, and a promise keeper.
Water, Wine, Milk: In some places, there is no entry ticket, but there is an exit ticket. Those who enter are coerced to pay. In some restaurants, water is free, but must pay for the wine. The beginning of the Christian walk is free but by faith, and so is the complete journey and entrance is free to Heaven.
Why Waste: God asked people to critically think and consider. Why should they spend their time, money, energy, and effort that will not satisfy them?
Listen: The invitation is open and clear. The offer is spelled out precisely. The provision is available. Yet, the listeners should respond positively. First, listen to His call, invitation, and voice carefully. It means to focus, be willing, and with an attitude of obedience. Second, discern and choose what is good and then eat it. Not gulping all that is offered. Third, should delight in the abundantly rich food. It is possible not to delight in a bad attitude, disobedient spirit, rebellious heart, and murmuring mindset.
Do I delight in the free offer of God?