There is a proverb: “You are what you eat.” Human bodies use the energy produced from what is eaten. This proverb is only partially true. As the Lord taught, it is not what goes inside (food) but what comes from out of him that defiles or pollutes a person. (Mark 7:15-16) What one eats does not define a man, but what a man thinks. (Proverbs 23:7) The Lord spoke through Prophet Jeremiah: “Hear, O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on these people—the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words nor My law, but rejected it” (Jeremiah 6:19). The thoughts of the people bring calamity on them.
Futile thoughts: Paul writes that the Gentiles walk or live according to their futile thoughts. (Ephesians 5:17) A bible scholar Adam Clarke writes that the futile mind was connected to a ritual of devotion to the god Bacchus, that involved worship with drinking and partying. The devotees acted like mad people, running about, tossing their heads from shoulder to shoulder, appearing to be frantic, futile, and fools.
Adulterous thoughts: The Lord warned against thought adultery. If a man looks at a woman with an evil intention, he has committed adultery with her. (Matthew 5:27-28) All kinds of fantasy, vile imagination, and pornography are sins.
Proud thoughts: People think highly about themselves, including the believers. Paul warns against such proud thoughts. (Romans 12:3)
Lofty thoughts: Paul writes: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (II Corinthians 10:5) These are rebellious thoughts of intellectuals, philosophers, politicians, scientists, professors, teachers, counselors, artists, writers, and content creators. One thing is common among them: they have exchanged the truth for a life. (Romans 1:25)
Holy thoughts: A disciple with a renewed mind thinks: whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise. (Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8)
Are my thoughts holy and fruitful for His glory?