A woman sold her three-bedroom house to do plastic surgery that makes her look younger. She is in her 50s and used to take medicine and apply creams to look younger. However, she felt it was not enough, so she took the drastic step of selling her home in California, USA to do the surgery. Now, she lives in a van. To look beautiful and attractive, she has discarded the comfort of her home and lives in a van. (New York Post 31 July 2023) The Bible teaches: “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)
Temporal pursuit: The woman did not understand unlike the Blessed woman in the Proverbs that beauty is vain. The important thing in life is Fear of the Lord, that provides wisdom. That wisdom is better than rubies, silver, or gold. (Proverbs 9:10, 3:15) Perhaps, this woman had more fear about losing her beauty or looking old than fear of God.
Wise exchange: The greatest gift is what is given to humans by His love and grace. Making sinners his children cannot be compared with anything in the world. Lord Jesus taught two parables, in both cases, they sold all to get the hidden treasure and pearl of great value. (Matthew 13:44-46) The woman was willing to let go of her assets or all she had but for another perishable, temporal thing. It is like jumping out of a frying pan into a fiery fire.
Eternal perspective: How does a person profit, even if s/he gains the whole world and loses his/her soul? (Matthew 16:26) many things in the world seem to be adorable, admirable, and profitable. Assets, knowledge, skills, and even beauty are a few of them. Even after attaining all these, a person has to leave them in the world and face eternity. This woman’s profit was a beauty, probably she got it. But did she gain her soul by reconciling with God through the savior Lord Jesus Christ?
Have I exchanged my sin, sorrow, and shame for eternal life in the Lord Jesus?