George Verwer founder of Operation Mobilization a global mission agency used to wear an iconic jacket with the World Map. That was to indicate his global vision and passion for missions. While some people easily embrace global vision, others are not at all concerned about missions. There are others who are committed to a ‘local vision.’ The Church in Jerusalem that experienced the Pentecost (Acts 2) grew in numbers, faced persecution, boldly prayed confronted religious authorities, willingly gave all possessions, served the widows; yet did not embrace the global vision of reaching the whole world. (Acts 1:8) Persecution and Scattering only nudged them to reach Samaria, which was an initiative of Philip. Later God used Philip to minister to Ethiopian Eunuch. (Acts 8)
1) Success syndrome: One fact could be that they became victim of their own success. Three thousand baptisms on a single day, and miracles gave them an aura of success.
2) Satisfaction: They had a sense of satisfaction that they could do ‘so much’ for the Lord. Baptisms, fellowships, miracles, teaching, widows’ welfare and more leaders ordained: all these gave a sense of accomplishment.
3) Safe zone: Jerusalem church was happy and felt that they are in the ‘safe zone,’ or at least in the ‘familiar zone.’ Going out of comfortable zone to the world is not easy. Hence, they were hesitant, so resistant to global mandate.
4) Selfish: A small boy prayed: “Lord bless me, my father, mother and sister more and more. Others no more.” The boy could not think beyond his circle of nuclear family. There are many Christians who could not think beyond family. If at all they think, they think about their caste or denomination or own language people.
Lord Jesus Christ is global, gospel is global, bible is global, mission is global; hence globalization through gospel must happen. For that all Christians should have global missional vision.
Is my vision large as God’s Global mission?