Recently one of my relatives called and asked: Why have you wasted your life? For him, my life has been meaningless, purposeless and pointless immersed in religion and ignorance. In fact, he was speaking out of ignorance or even with spiritual blindness.
When a woman poured the priceless perfume as love sacrifice for the Lord in the home of Simon the Leper, the disciples were indignant and asked, ‘why this waste?’ (Matthew 26: 6-13) For the woman, it was an ultimate worship as it was worth months wages. By this act, she witnessed to the world, what was precious, priority and all-in-all for her. The woman also knew the value of Lord Jesus Christ, his grace, love and forgiveness and was willing to give him all she owned, possessed and prized. Similarly, a dealer of pearl knew that one pearl that was precious, priceless and ultimate, hence he sold everything else and purchased the greater one. (Matthew 13: 45-46)
The world and even well-meaning Christians may mock disciples who are committed to Great Commission and are sacrificing for the same. Lord Jesus affirmed the act of the woman, and said she did it for my burial, indicating His death and resurrection. By pouring the priceless perfume, she created an eternal memorial for Lord Jesus that would be preached for generations around the world. Our life should be a worship and witness that would be memorial for His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.
A person who served the Lord in a distant place as missionary met his school friend after nearly four decades. The friend was a well-known politician, rich, powerful and with people around him as security guard. The missionary was simple and even could not walk erect because of suffering, persecution and toil without any facilities or comfort. The missionary was little disillusioned, when this verse lighted his heart: “If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” (I Peter 4:14)
Have I found the eternal unperishing treasure?