D.T. Niles said: “Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.” Gospel communication is described with several words that provide new insights.
1) Confounded: Paul after his Damascus experience, confounded or confronted the Jewish people with the truth that Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the Messiah the Nation expected. (Acts 9:22)
2) Proved: Paul proved to the Jewish people that the Law and Prophets in fact indicate that Lord Jesus is the Christ, the Son of David.
3) Preached: Another term used is preach, as Paul preached as Barnabas brought him to ministry. (Acts 9:27)
4) Argued: Another term used is argued or disputed. It is like speaking in a debate. (Acts 9:29)
5) Talked: Paul talked or spoke, which means to communicate plainly. (Acts 9:29)
6) Admonish and Warn: Gospel presentation is an invitation to receive God’s love, at the same time an admonishment to do so urgently. It also includes a warning to those who do not reflect or consider but reject the gospel. (Acts 20:31)
7) Inform and Instruct: Paul taught to all Jews, wherever he went, the gospel. It includes sharing information or facts, as well as instructing them the Way of the Lord. (Acts 21:21,24)
8) Appeal and Implore: Paul writes that Christians are ambassadors of God and His Kingdom. The responsibility is to beg, beseech, plead and appeal to people to be reconciled with God through Lord Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 5:20)
9) Reprove and Rebuke: Paul writes to young Timothy to preach and teach the gospel. He uses the terms reprove, rebuke, and exhort all. (II Timothy 4:2) Gospel is God’s Word and He has authority over all humanity to reprove and rebuke.
10) Urge: Peter uses the term, urge. (I Peter 2:11) That means to earnestly persuade people to heed and respond to the gospel.
11) Share: Believers should always be prepared to share and defend the gospel. (I Peter 3:15)
12) Defend: Paul writes that it is essential to defend the gospel from corruption by false teachers. (Philippians 1:16)
Am I prepared to share the gospel with clarity always?