He dwelt among us

The court saw an acrimonious fight between a couple who claimed to be Christians. Husband: “How can I live with this woman. Even the Bible says you cannot live with a contentious woman.” Wife: “Who can live with an addict and violent man? Whose eyes are always red.” (Proverbs 21:9; 23:29) Both had known each other for years, dated, married, had children but were at court to be divorced. There are numerous examples of children unable to tolerate old parents, disciplined fathers unable to accept their wayward son. There are others who denounce whole humanity to become monks or hermits and dwell in caves, deserts and wilderness, where there are no humans. The Holy Son of God Lord Jesus Christ chose to come down from Heaven to dwell among ordinary sinful humans. (John 1:14)
1) Love or Hate: People could hate one another even if they do not look at them. Even when they look, only ugliness, weakness and stupidness cross their minds. Those who had married and had children also have such hatred. However, God loved humans, though he hated sin.
2) Redemption or judgement: God plans a way for redemption for the Fallen Humanity. It is easy for Him to judge; it is so difficult to redeem as its cost is very expensive. Yes, the cost of redemption is the death of the Son of God on the cross of cavalry and His resurrection. The husband or wife could not see redemption as possible, they could only judge.
3) Forgiveness or punishment: Lord Jesus Christ came to offer forgiveness, not handover punishment. It is gracious forgiveness that restores a person to have the right relationship with God. The couple in the court were more interested in inflicting pain on others. Both suffer yet want the other to suffer immensely.
4) Transformation or despair: Lord came to dwell among us to transform us, not terrify us. New Life is full of dynamism, direction, and destination. Despair is a sinkhole without hope.
Does He indwell in me? And, am I at peace with others?