Today, the institution of marriage is under attack socially, culturally, intellectually, and, ideologically. Christians should teach society the biblical understanding of marriage.
God-ordained institution: God created the whole world and carved the Garden of Eden as the home for Adam. Even in that paradise, Adam was lonely and needed a helpmeet or a soulmate to be with him. (Genesis 2:18-24) Hence, God put Adam to sleep, removed a rib from him, and created Eve. The two will be one flesh, which is a covenant relationship.
Corrupted by the Fall: This God-ordained institution was affected when Adam and Eve chose to believe Satan and his promise of becoming like gods by just eating the forbidden fruit. This caused the Human Fall, as sin entered the world with the consequences of a curse. First, they were scared of God’s presence. Second, They lost the glory, hence they felt ashamed and awkward in each other’s presence. Third, they became selfish and blamed each other for their disobedience. (Genesis 3: 1-13)
Corrupted by culture: Some aspects of the culture are righteous and good, but others are evil, oppressive, and even devilish. Paul commands a Christian husband to love his wife like the Lord Jesus Christ loved the church. That means the love is sacrificial, self-giving, and outgoing. (Ephesians 5:25-29) But most cultures treat the wife as an object or a property, a slave or a servant of the extended family. Thus, the wife is robbed of her identity, dignity, and respect. Sadly, many Christians follow the culture rather than the Scripture.
Renewed: The need for Christians is to renew the mind, by the Word of God. (Romans 12:1-2) The worldview, ideas, thought patterns, traditions, or trends of the world have to be deleted from the mind, and filled with the truth of the Scripture.
Redeemed: When the Word of God renews the mind of a couple, the marriage is redeemed and revived. The husband will love, encourage, and affirm his wife. In response, the wife would respect and obey her husband in the Lord.
Do I have a biblical understanding of marriage?