There is persecution all around, why can’t Christians just worship the Lord in their homes? Why do they ferment trouble by gathering in public and preaching the gospel? Some people wish that the Christian faith should be silent, private, and invisible. However, Christian life and faith are dynamic and impact individuals, families, communities, and nations.
Worship: First of the Greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Matthew 22:36-40) This is expressed in worship. Loving the Holy God is manifested in worship of the Lord in the splendor of holiness. Worship includes giving glory to God for His attributes, praising his deeds, thanking for his goodness, praying for our needs, and interceding for others.
Word: Blessed are those who meditate the Word of God, day, and night i.e., 24/7. (Psalms 1:1-3) Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ become wise by listening to His Word and living according to it. (Matthew 7:24) It is also essential to preach and teach the Word, in season or out of season. (II Timothy 4:2) In the world, Christians are recognized as the People of the Book.
Witness: All believers ought to be witnesses to the Lord. (Acts 1:8) Peter advises people of God to be always ready to share the reason for faith, politely and courteously. (I Peter 3:15) Lord Jesus exhorted disciples to be light of the world and salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Will of God: As disciples, people of God, and His ambassadors of His Kingdom, it is essential to discern and do the Will of God. When a person does the will of God, gets meaning and purpose for his/her life. The Will of God ought to be discerned as it is Pleasing, Perfect, and Performable (Acceptable). (Romans 12:1-2) Each believer is God’s instrument of righteousness in the world. (Romans 6:13) By doing His will a believer could turn the world upside down. (Acts 17:6) A Christian makes a ripple effort around him that changes or challenges the worldview of people.
Do I have all these ingredients of the Christian faith?