A bribe is described as a magic stone. (Proverbs 17:8) Whether it is small or big, it still performs magic for some people. When a police officer stops for speeding or jumping the red signal, a person tries to give a bribe and escape the consequences of the law. The bribe giver’s bribe is like a magic stone that works wonders. It even turns ungodly as saints in people’s perception. Some people have been punished for receiving meager cash as bribes to do unlawful favors, while the rich and politically powerful escape the law.
Small minds and small bribes: For a piece of bread, a man will do wrong. (Proverbs 28:21) In the Fallen, Crooked, and wicked world, justice could be purchased. Instead of righteous minds, small and silly minds are passing judgment. Without fear of God, knowledge of his Word, and the rule of law, petty judges get petty bribes to give deadly punishments.
Travesty of justice: “You have profaned me among my people for handfuls of barley and pieces of bread, putting to death souls who should not die and keeping alive souls who should not live, by lying to my people, who listen to lies.” (Ezekiel 13:19) To get the fancied approval of someone greater in worldly standards, a judge could err by taking a bribe. Obliging to the wicked rulers, believing false witnesses a judge could put to death the innocent and the righteous. False witnesses are bribed, to destroy the righteous. Naboth’s Vineyard was taken by Ahab, as Jezebel set the court of injustice with wicked false witnesses. (I Kings 21:1-16)
Bribe blinds: The Bible warns that the bribe blinds a person. (Exodus 23:8) A bribe blinded people could neither see light nor right. Such blind judges could twist the words of the righteous to even condemn them. Blinded judges call righteous as evil and evil as righteous. They condemn the righteous and exalt the wicked. Sadly, those who hold such sacred thrust, demand bribes, and extort people to do blatant wickedness.
Do I receive a bribe to twist the truth?