A child writhing in pain feels better by the gracious touch of her mother. If human touch, words, comfort, and embrace could heal a person, how much would be the grace of God? Paul experienced a thorn in his body, which was bothering him. It caused physical pain, emotional stress, mental agony of being buffeted by Satan, and spiritual anxiety of unanswered prayer. His prayers that were intense, fervent, and constant three times, were answered with a Promise: My grace is sufficient for you. (II Corinthians 12:9)
My: It was God’s personal promise to Paul. When God gave oath to Abraham he swore with His own name as nothing was greater than His name. (Hebrews 6:13) It was a personal guarantee by the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep by name. It is an intimate relationship that God wants with his people.
Grace: Someone defined grace as God’s mercy shown to ill-deserving, nil-deserving, and hell-deserving sinners. Grace is also God’s favor and love in action. It is the inexhaustible riches of God, shown to His children. God’s grace or His steadfast love never ceases, it is new every morning and His faithfulness is awesome. (Lamentations 3:22)
Is: God’s grace is available now, relevant, meaningful, and dynamic. It is not a future promise. For many saints of God, it had been a miraculous experience, and could expect a marvelous experience in the future, but to trust and rest in the truth now is difficult.
Sufficient: In fact, God is modest in His statement. Is it just sufficient, enough, surplus, or all-encompassing? It is Complementing, Compensating, Caring, Completing, Connecting, Conquering, Consistent, Creative, Contentment providing and Covenant grace. God’s grace will be anti-dote to the irritation and frustration generated by the thorn. Paul’s will could surpass his normal abilities, and natural strength to perform with the strength and power of God.
You: Paul need not anymore be bothered by this thorn in the flesh. Satan will regret using the thorn as a buffet, which boomerangs on him, and Paul becomes an overcomer moving from strength to strength.
Do I realize the sufficiency of His grace?