Olinka Vistica, a film producer and Drazen Grubisic, a sculptor was in four-year love relationship. They decided to separate. As they started segregating their personal items, they jokingly thought of an idea to start a Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia. Though it was a mobile museum that toured several cities, it became permanent feature in Croatia. The museum is dedicated to failed love relationships. Personal leftover objects from former lovers, accompanied by brief (grief) descriptions are exhibited.
Indeed, the whole world is a museum of broken relationships, because first human couple broke their love relationship with God. (Genesis 3) Sin entered the world and it corrupted all aspects of human life. However, God was not glad for the relationship that was broken, instead he wanted it to be restored. Unlike the couple who created a museum for ‘death of relationship’, Lord initiated a new action of love. It was not easy. God exhibited, expressed and explained His love through His Son Lord Jesus Christ. (John 3:16)
Cross became the place of restoration and reconciliation of relationship between God and Man. Lord Jesus Christ took upon Himself the consequence of broken relationship, death so that he could give ‘eternal life’ to all those who believe in Him. Unlike the museum that celebrates and mourns the death of relationships, Cross rejoices for the restoration of relationship between whole creation and God.
God has entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation and not project of building ‘museums of broken relationships,’ to mourn, mull, and murmur. This is not only a spiritual reconciliation between God and human, it also restores human relationships. Love of Christ can transform any broken relationship and make it a noble one.
Are forgiveness and reconciliation my spiritual preference for life?