‘New Year’ brings New Cheer! Beginning something new, receiving something new, experiencing something new is a matter of great joy. There are many things and many times we get opportunity to have it afresh or anew. Jeremiah writes, amid ruins of Jerusalem, done by ruthless Babylonians that ‘God’s grace, mercy or loving kindness’ is new every morning. (Lamentation 3:22,23)
1) God’s tender love: The war ravished city, impoverished people, loss of livelihood, injured people, mourners of dead, homeless, foodless…great human misery was the context in which Jeremiah ‘remembers’ God’s steadfast, tender and gracious love. The marvelous God is always present with us in our miseries. His presence is enough to console us.
2) God’s inexhaustive love: His love never ‘ceases’ or gets exhausted or diminished. Human love has a limit and it stops. God’s love is inexhaustible! There is no need for “NO Stock” sign.
3) God’s faithfulness: The Nation of Israel was not faithful to Jehovah. They forsook Him and went after other false gods and worthless spirituality. God punished them for their sins, yet He loved them. His call, purpose and plan cannot be defeated. Human sinfulness, foolishness and stubbornness cannot wreck the faithfulness of God.
4) God’s consistency: Sun rises every morning. There is a continuous consistency since He created the sun. God who is Lord of consistency is unchanging as He is the creator of all creations including sun.
Each year is packed with mystery, adventure, surprise and miracles. Every year affirms our privileges as children of God; reminds us of our responsibility to be stewards and witnesses and also the nearness of His Glorious Coming.
New Year brings New joy, New gifts, New cheer, and New Hopes. Let us celebrate Lord’s faithfulness, goodness and grace he promises each day.
Is my heart kindled with his love and hope?