Lord Jesus Christ said that storing new wine in an old wineskin will burst the wineskin, hence new wine should be poured into the new wineskin. (Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37-39)
Old traditions: Some asked Lord Jesus, why his disciples were not fasting like Pharisees and disciples of John the Baptist. The parable of New wine would damage the old wineskin was a response to that.
New wine: When new wine is stored in an old wineskin, the new wine volume increases and gases are released. New wine is needed and so are the new wineskins.
New contexts: The world changes fast, and so do the technology, people, attitudes, popular culture, vocabulary, nations, politics…etc. The context of each generation is unique. Hence the expression of local churches, missions, mercy ministries, and social transformation would be different in each historical and cultural context.
New mission strategies: The Church must evangelize each generation, and be salt and light to every context. Taking the gospel to unreached areas, to unreached people is a priority of the church.
Iron curtails: When communism was ruling a considerable portion of the globe, the church formulated two major strategies. Since, missionaries could not go to those nations, Beaming radio waves with the gospel messages across borders. Many people living beyond those iron curtails could hear the gospel, though totalitarian governments tried to disrupt radio signals. Smuggling Bibles by mission adventurers like Brother Andrew helped many people to receive the Message of Hope.
Gospel Ships: George Verwer found a new method of providing millions of pieces of literature on evangelism, equipping, and leadership development in numerous languages by taking it in designated ships to various countries. Hundreds of seaports became the center for evangelism, disciple-making, mobilizing missionaries, and developing leaders.
Jesus Film: Bill Bright’s vision of showing Jesus Film to two billion people around the world became an effective tool that transformed millions.
Digital revolution: Modern digital world has given a platform for all disciples to reach out to the world. Hence new innovative strategies to optimally use digital media are needed.
Do I initiate and innovate for the gospel?