There are times, when we cannot stop crying or weeping. Sometimes, it includes shy and groaning. Such moments could lead us to despair and even depression. Emotional exhaustion, mental tension, and spiritual weariness could overwhelm us. Turning to the Lord during such moments is very important. There is no situation that is beyond redemption or without purpose or without meaning. Human reason could be faltering unable to find any hope. Yet, there is hope. “Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” (Proverbs 24:14) Those who are persistent and relentless in their faith succeed.
1) Strengthen in the Lord: David strengthened himself in the Lord while his men were sinking in despair and wanted to even stone David. (I Samuel 30:6) The depressed men were looking for someone to blame, David looked up to the Lord. He was transformed. Leading his men, brought back everything that was lost to invasion of enemies.
2) Unload Burden: Hezekiah chose to take the letter of intimidation, threat and blackmail and spread it in the presence of the Lord. (II Kings 19:14) We must take our burdens to the Lord. After pouring out in his presence, we can have peace that is beyond human reason as experienced by Hannah. (Philippians 4:7; I Samuel 1:18)
3) Promise of God: God’s promise is: “Thus says the LORD: “Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears, for there is a reward for your work, declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 31:16)
Persistence in holding to Promises in faith that provides Peace and Victory.