All humans have this question: What is life? Philosophers are puzzled, religious leaders are perplexed, and for ordinary people, it is a mystery. The Bible teaches about life as the God of all life has revealed to humanity.
Life is a challenge: When a child is born, the child cries. There begins the misery of humans. The whole life is a fight against death that sets in on the very first day. “But man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.” (Job 5:7)
Life is a celebration: The Bible also teaches that the life God gives a person is to celebrate God’s greatness, faithfulness, and grace. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)
Life is a communication: All humans communicate. Disciples are expected to communicate as influencers of society. They are supposed to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Life is a communion: God has not created us to be loners, but to live in a community. Christians are privileged to live in communion with God and God’s Family, the Church.
Life is a Calling: All humans who are born in this world are sent by God with a purpose. No human is purposeless. However, those who do not know God’s purpose, live a meaningless life. Recognizing God’s call and will is the responsibility of each human being.
Life is a Commission: For people of God, life is a commission. Disciples are sent into this world, with a commission as an Army commander sends out his soldiers on errands. Believers are supposed to be engaged in the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Life is a crucible: Life is a crucible with so many happenings, events, incidents, and contexts that shape a person. Job stated that his life season of suffering is like the testing of gold, and he was confident to come out like gold. (Job 23:10) Life is for character-building in the image of God, which includes holiness.
Do I realize that my life has meaning and purpose?