Rent-A-Wife Market

There are a few sins that are approved and even celebrated by society. There is a Rent-a-wife market in a village called Shivpuri in Madhya Pradesh. The report states: ‘Dhadicha’, is a social practice prevalent where women are ‘bought’ and ‘sold’ like commodities in a market. People come to this market from many places to get women on ‘rent’ for a duration – for a few months or a year, with terms, conditions, and stamp paper agreements. The rate begins at Rs. 15000 and goes up to one million. Virgin girls fetch a higher price. (Daily Hunt News 13 September 2024) God created the first woman Eve from the rib of Adam. (Genesis 2:21-23) Adam celebrates his wife as the flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones. Today, cultural sins and social sins are against God and the biblical truths.
Person or property? In most cultures, women are not treated as persons or individuals. Recently Afghanistan has passed a law that women should not be seen in public, their voices heard in the streets, and should not get any education. The Lord Jesus Christ treated women with dignity and had few women disciples. (Luke 8:1-3; Matthew 27:55,56) His first resurrection appearance was to Mary Magdalene. (John 20:14-16)
Misunderstanding: Women were purchased to be nurses, servants, and cooks, and were termed as wives. God created women to be helpmeet or colleagues or partners, not servants or slaves.
Price: Women are purchased like slaves in the ancient markets, like sheep or cows. Men and women are more valuable than birds or animals. (Matthew 10:31)
Covenant or agreement? The agreement is signed on stamp papers means the government knows this unconstitutional and inhumane act. Yet, the politicians and bureaucrats have not acted against such wicked practices. Sadly, the victims are the poor. Instead of uplifting the poor, the government sanctions such anti-woman sales deeds. The Bible teaches marriage as a covenant, a life-long loyal commitment between a man and a woman. (Mark 10:8-9) Women are not disposable products to be purchased, used, and discarded.
Do I understand God’s purpose for women?