Rod or sword

A mother was possessive of her son and, hence, did not allow the father to discipline the child. She will fight with teachers to protect her son in school. As the son grew up and got new bad friends in high school. Later, he was introduced to drugs. Yet, the mother could not rebuke him or even find fault in him. One day, police came to arrest him. She shouted to the father: “See how they are taking my small baby, stop them.” Sadly, he was imprisoned for many years. The rod of discipline was missing in the parenting. (Proverbs 13:24) Excessive love and protection could harm a child and make him a criminal too. There are other instances, where a child despises correction and reaches the dead end of prison through law. The Nation of Judah is described in the like fashion. “You have despised the rod, my son, with everything of wood. So, the sword is given to be polished, that it may be grasped in the hand. It is sharpened and polished to be given into the hand of the slayer.” (Ezekiel 21:10,11)

Rod rejected: First, the rod of discipline was abandoned by the mother, who showed love and failed to discipline. Second, the rod of parental authority was ignored. God has given authority to parents to nurture, discipline, guide, provide, and protect their children. Third, the rod of discipline could bring pain, suffering, and displeasure. If a child does not understand the goodness that it brings out, the child could reject the rod of discipline. Parents should teach the necessity of the disciplining process and the consequences.

Sword invited: Sadly, when a rod of discipline is missing in a child’s life, either for lack of parents or lack of parenting skills of parents, it has dire consequences. Society or the government would discipline the grown-up child harshly. The authority of the government to punish the wicked is from God. They hold the sword to execute punishment and judgment. (Romans 13:4)

Do I use the rod of discipline and the rod of authority judiciously?