Social Media Depression

Many pre-teens and teens who spend a lot of time on Social Media sites begin to exhibit symptoms of depression. Sadly, studies show that the mental and well-being of adolescents and youngsters are affected. One survey states that nearly one-third of children are affected. Parents must help children not to be addicted to compulsive and extended use. Teaching, training, and disciplining a child is the responsibility of parents. (Proverbs 22:6) Since social media platforms allow children who are thirteen to become users, parents have an awesome responsibility.
Online personality: Children tend to believe that virtual existence is real existence. They believe that being online means to be alive. Hence, they focus on their online presence and wish to be affirmed by friends and, at the same time give a sense of awe to other onlookers. Parents should teach that their offline personality is more important than their online personality.
Role models: Parents should be role models in the use of social media. Many parents use social media for their official work or business. Yet, they should demonstrate, how they manage their time and do not use social media beyond necessary. Some parents keep their smartphones away in the night in another room, during meals…etc.
Sleep: Children to be healthy need adequate sleep. Social Media could disturb their sleep if they are compulsive users. After 10 PM children should switch off their mobile phones and should not switch on unless they complete their daily discipline of prayer and reading the bible. Keeping the phones under the pillow or nearer to bed is not a good idea.
Physical activity: Children should be involved in age-appropriate physical activities. From the early stage, children should learn to take care of their physical bodies, as the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Wisdom, discernment, and priority: Children need God-given wisdom and discernment to use smart media. Some features could help them in their studies, games that could be meaningful hobbies. However, when, and how should be a matter of discipline and priority.
Am I a slave or master over social media?