Life is compared with a journey. Life’s journey continues for all humans, whether they know their destination or not. However, Spiritual life is a pilgrimage. In this, there is an entrance gate, specific route, and destination. Millions have travelled along this path. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Gate. (John 10:9) We must choose the Narrow Way. (Matthew 7:14) Our ultimate destination is to be with Him forever which he prepares for us. (John 14:1) Peter also had this wonderful journey. Each person will have distinct experiences, but this seems to be a template.
1) Stunned: Peter was stunned at the request of the Lord Jesus who borrowed his boat and used it as His platform to teach. (Luke 5:1-3) The Samaritan woman was stunned when Lord asked for a drink. Zacchaeus was stunned to hear the Lord Jesus visiting his home to stay with him. The Lord meets us in remarkable and memorable manner.
2) Shocked: The Lord Jesus asked him to lower the net and helped him to the great catch. Shocked, Peter needed others to help him to bring it ashore. (Luke 5: 4-7) All who meet Lord Jesus Christ stand in awe of His Love, Power and Personality. The Samaritan woman was shocked that he could provide ‘living water’ and she would never thirst. Compared with Jewish leaders who excommunicate tax collectors, Zacchaeus was shocked because the Lord wanted to have dinner with him.
3) Shaken: Shaken in his inner being, Peter fell and asked the Lord to go away as he was a sinful man. (Luke 5:8-10) The Samaritan woman was shaken but was able to tell villagers that the Lord revealed her sinful life and she was transformed. Zacchaeus, knowing his sinfulness, repented and promised to do restitution to all those whom he deceived, cheated, robbed, and looted.
4) Shaped: Thus began the Shaping of Peter from being like unsteady grass to being like sturdy steady stone. (Luke 5: 10-11) The journey continues in which a disciple is shaped according to the sculptor’s plan and at the end a beautiful workmanship is exhibited. (Ephesians 2:10)
In which stage I am: Stunned, Shocked, Shaken or Shaped?