There is a common saying that when something is given for free, people neither value it nor understand its worth. Some even abuse the gifts and trample over them. Others gratefully receive it and optimally utilize it. Paul writes that the grace that was bestowed upon him was rightly used, and he labored well. (I Corinthians 15: 9-10)
Grateful: Paul was grateful for the grace that was given to him. Humbly, thankfully, and diligently he received the gift of God’s grace. Grace is not earned but given as a gift.
Vain? Paul’s statement is clear that a person could foolishly waste the grace bestowed upon him. Lethargy and negligence could be reasons for making grace, unutilized or underutilized.
Toiled abundantly: Paul asserts he used God’s grace to labor abundantly. Those who sow abundantly, reap abundantly. Those who sow sparingly, reap sparingly. (II Corinthians 9:6) Perhaps, Paul took more initiative than others; took risks that could have killed him; traveled tirelessly without rest or relaxation; relentless in the face of opposition.
Lazy? Were some Apostles lazy? It is possible. Three prominent Apostles simply slept in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:36-46) Lazy even imagine that lions are roaming around the streets. (Proverbs 26:13)
Passive? Some apostles were passive in their approach. Paul was assertive and even aggressive in his proclamation of the gospel. He could address an august gathering with chains and challenge all to become like him without chains. (Acts 26:29)
Broken partnership: God could do without us. Yet, he chooses to work with and through his people. In this partnership, it is possible to be negligent while He is faithful. Such a broken partnership would be a loss for the kingdom of God.
Comparison: Paul competed with other disciples to do more and more. In that, Paul won. He was neither proud nor ashamed to tell the truth.
Excuses? Will the other apostles give excuses for underperformance? Blaming others, and situations cannot be an excuse for a lack of initiative and zeal.
Am I a faithful steward of God’s grace?