God is gracious to stop His children from doing foolish and wicked things. He could use various means to stop us. However, ignoring such warning signs, some people fall into grave sin. Balaam was stopped by the Angel of God, whom he did not recognize, but his donkey could recognize. Yet, he went ahead and perished in his sins. (Numbers 22:21-39)
Protection and Patrol: David was anointed to be the future king of Israel. Saul, who was holding that position, though rejected, wanted to kill David. Without a home and resources for income, he gave protection to the shepherds from harassment by petty thieves and raiders from adjacent nations. Nabal was one of the beneficiaries, who was a rich man. David sent him a request for provision for him and his men with him in the wilderness. However, Nabal mocked the servants of David, ridiculed them, and sent them empty-handed. David wanted to execute Nabal’s family. Nabal’s wife Abigail, wisely averted that by personally delivering the needed provision. David said that God had prevented him from doing that wicked deed. (I Samuel 25:32)
Mercenary or anointed? David said to himself that one day he would die by the hands of Saul. (I Samuel 27:1) He experienced burnout and decided to seek refuge in Philistine, the enemy nation of Israel. King Achish sheltered him and David won his trust. When the Philistines planned an invasion of Israel, they gathered the army at Aphek. (I Samuel 29:1) David and his men stood there as one unit to invade Israel. Nevertheless, the commanders of King Achish did not approve David to go with them. They feared if David switched sides, they would be losers. Achish commends David for his loyalty, but pleads with David to go because of the commanders. Thus, David was saved from becoming a mercenary, fighting against the people over whom he was anointed as the king. In that war, King Saul, Jonathan, and two other sons of Saul died on the mount of Gilboa and David escaped being the guilty. (I Samuel 31:6)
Am I like David trying carnal methods?