Striving to accomplish

One young pastor was boasting of his achievements. The number of his songs on his YouTube channel, people being baptized, church building extended, global events he attended in foreign countries, the new car he received as a gift…etc. One wise mature person said: “Do you know missionaries who toil in malaria-infested areas? The first son of a missionary was a casualty to Malaria. A missionary from England, serving in India had to bury his two sons by himself because they died of diarrhea. One was buried with only his head peeping on the ground and later beheaded for testifying for Christ in India. Do you know how God one person to plant more than one thousand churches? Learn to thank God for such people of God, who have sacrificed and accomplished, that you can never accomplish. God always raises His servants in every culture and in history to accomplish his purpose. Remember, you are just one puzzle piece in God’s overall plan.

Paul’s Outlook: Paul was humble not to boast of his accomplishments. Paul and Silas were thrown in prison, but a church was established in the city of Philippi. When he wrote to them, Paul did not remember his sacrifices that resulted in the birth of the Church. After completing nearly thirty years of ministry he wrote a humble statement. God has caught or held or anointed or chosen him for a purpose or plan; He strives or attempts to catch hold of or comprehend and accomplish the plan and purpose to fulfill it. He confesses that he neither obtained nor made it his own. Paul states he was inadequate and imperfect to exactly accomplish God’s purposes. (Philippians 3:14-16)

God’s Work: John Wesley said: “God buries his workmen but carries on his work.” Gospel work in the world to establish his church and Kingdom of God is God’s Work. His disciples are God’s servants who do His work. He provides life, resources, opportunities, talents, gifts, and abilities to do His work. Hence the glory belongs to Him alone.

Do I rejoice in God’s work accomplished by all His saints?