Supreme Priorities

Zac Poonen wrote a book, Supreme Priorities for a Christian. What could be the one thing that should be our priority? All believers are expected to prioritize the Kingdom of God and righteousness. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean to be the priority of the Kingdom? In the Bible, there are a few characters who had One focus.
One thing I know: The man who was born blind said to the detractors of our Lord: One thing I know; Once I was blind, now I see! (John 9:25) Every believer should be able to testify that they were once blinded by Satan, but now could see, perceive, and understand the glorious gospel.
One thing I seek: Though David was a powerful king, his only desire was: I may dwell in His house to behold His beauty. (Psalms 27:4-5) Dwelling under the Shadow of the Almighty and enjoying His beauty was the only thing David desired.
One thing you lack: The rich young ruler was great by human standards. He was rich, a ruler, influential, and had the desire for eternal things too. The Lord looked at him with love and said: One thing you lack: Go, sell all you have, give to the poor, then take up the cross and follow me! (Mark 10:31)
One thing you need: Martha was worried and upset about many things. She even complained to the Lord stating Mary was not extending a hand of help to her. However, the Lord commended Mary for her right, eternal choice that cannot be snatched from her. Mary has chosen to sit at His feet and listen to His teachings. (Luke 10:42)
One thing I do: Paul writes the only right thing is to forget the Past (victories, failures, defeats, sufferings, accomplishments…), stain towards the future, focusing on the Heavenly call and reward. (Philippians 3: 13-14) Paul who had by then completed nearly thirty years of ministry was conscious of his life pursuit. He wanted to catch hold of the purpose for which he had been called, chosen, and caught by God.
What is my supreme priority?