For forty years Moses was taking care of sheep. Even the sheep was not his, it was his father-in-law Jethro’s flock. The adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter did not own anything. He brought the sheep to Horeb, later called Sinai. Moses would lead the Israelite to this mountain. (Exodus 3:1-3)
Marvelous sight: Moses was on his routine duty of caring for the sheep. However, he saw an attractive sight. First, it is recorded that The Angel of the Lord appeared. Second, the bush was burning but not consumed. In such deserts bush burning with fire was a common sight, but the bush was not consumed.
Bush Not consumed: The bush was burning, there was not a crackle, leaves did not curl because of heat, branches were not charred, and the bush did not fall off as ashes.
Symbol of Israel: Some bible scholars interpret the burning bush as a symbol of Israel. They were afflicted but not destroyed, as God was in their midst.
Symbol of the Church: Some scholars think that the burning bush is the symbol of the Church. Though persecuted, hated, hounded, and harassed; the Church will not be destroyed. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church, the Body of Christ. (Matthew 16:18)
A Picture of the Cross: The Hebrew word used to describe the bush is derived from the word that means ‘to stick or to prick,’ thornbush or bramble. Lord Jesus Christ was crowned with thorns, endured the fires of the judgment of God, and yet was not consumed but rose again.
Holy God: God revealed to Moses His Holiness. The first time, the word Holy is used in the Scripture. As Moses had a conversation with God, Lord revealed many of his attributes to Moses: Creator, Love, Merciful, Promise keeping, Self-existing, Sovereign, missionary God, Righteous Judge, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
Personal Name: Lord revealed Himself as ‘I AM, WHO I AM”
Prince to shepherd: Moses was transformed from being a prince to being a shepherd and servant of the Nation of Israel.
Have I transformed to be a shepherd and servant?