Prophet Ezekiel lists the seven rules that should be followed by priests and Levites. (Ezekiel 44: 15-28) Ezekiel’s vision was about the future Temple, the glory, the structure, the services, and the personnel serving in the Temple. It is good to understand the intention of these rules and principles that apply to pastors, church planters, teachers, bible translators, social workers, para-church organizations, and all believers (royal priesthood) in the New Testament times.
Serve God: All believers are called primarily to serve Him, Him alone. The Lord chose the Apostles to be with Him. (Mark 3:13-15) That was their primary duty. Believers are separated from the Lord, unto God. They are not mundane or earthly, but heavenly citizens functioning as ambassadors in this world.
Dress code: They were not supposed to wear wool while on duty. That means they should not perspire. God-given tasks should be done only by His power, wisdom, and resources and not with human toil and resources.
Teach: They are called to teach the truth, and help people to discern good and evil. Teaching biblical worldview, and eternal perspective will help people renew their minds to discern the pleasing, good, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)
Judge: Priests also served as judges. They were supposed to be impartial, without prejudice, malice, or any kind of discrimination. God’s people will judge angels, so should be able to bring peace, restoration, and harmony to society. (I Corinthians 6:3)
Models: In this world, believers are called to be role models in spirituality, moral standards, ethical behavior, courteous relationships, righteous attitude, diligence in work, and polite conversations.
Holy Sabbath: Celebrating the Lord’s Day in His presence and using the time to learn, teach, and proclaim the truth. Not halloweekends, but hallowed days for the Lord.
No possessions: In the Nation of Israel, the priest did not have any earthly possessions. God alone was their special possession. Believers ought to live a simple lifestyle like that of strangers or pilgrims or refugees; storing treasures in heaven.
Do these principles govern my life?