There was a fiery ‘faith preacher’ who teaches that health, wealth, prestige, power…are entitlements for Christians, especially pastors and preachers. In a remote part of Eastern India, a missionary couple served among the primitive people. That region is known for the malaria infections and death. The mosquitoes spread the disease fast and many die each year. The missionary couple met this preacher and shared about their ministry and also the problem of malaria. The ‘faith preacher’ taunted the missionaries for ‘lack of faith’. He said that the missionaries should just curse the mosquitoes and they would not bite or even if they bite, nothing would happen. The couple extended an invitation to the preacher to visit their part and have public meetings. He agreed.
On the way, he heard more stories about how children, young, women and men die of malaria caused by mosquito bites. His heart began to tremble. When he reached there, he asked the couple to provide mosquito net. Though, they obliged, they reminded him to curse the mosquitoes instead of using a net. Immense fear gripped and even paralyzed his daily routine.
Then the Spirit of God convicted him: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:4). The preacher realized he emphasized on ‘God being with him’ and not considering ‘the walk through the valley of the shadow of death.’ He asked forgiveness from missionaries for ridiculing them and learnt what true faith means. Faith is not ‘glamorous’ in favourable circumstances, but ‘glorious’ in all circumstances. What kind of faith you have?