The rainbow is seen as seven colors. However, it is a refraction of light which is considered white. After the rains, the sunlight refracts and creates a beautiful rainbow. God placed the rainbow as a sign of the covenant that He will not destroy the whole of humanity at a time anymore after the flood during the time of Noah. That is a sign of the Promise of God. Like a rainbow, God’s attributes have multiple facets.

Divine Attributes: God’s attributes according to Paul are His Eternal Power and Divine Nature. Almighty God is also a person with divine attributes. The general divine attributes are Holiness, love, wisdom, and mercy are like light that is visible as white but integrates many colors. In addition, as in the rainbow are other colors that are similar to the special names of the relationship with His people.

Violet: Jehovah-Jireh: Provider – God is the gracious provider of the needs of his children. (Genesis 22:13-14) They need not worry or be anxious, instead trust the Heavenly Father. (Matthew 6: 25-34)

Indigo: Jehovah-Ra-ah: God is the good Shepherd of David and all his people. (Psalms 23:1) He is a great shepherd and chief shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. (John 10:11)

Blue: Jehovah-Rapha: God heals all sicknesses. (Exodus 15:26) As the creator, he knows how to heal from all physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual sicknesses.

Green: Jehovah-Shalom: God gives Peace, Life, Mercy, and prosperity to His people. (Judges 6:24) His Shalom is goodness, prosperity, and progress in all aspects of life.

Yellow: Jehovah-Shammah: The Lord is Present. (Ezekiel 48:35) God indwells among His people. Lord Jesus was called: God With Us – Emmanuel. (Matthew 1:23)

Orange: Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord is our banner. (Exodus 17:8-15) The Lord gives victory. God is worthy of Praise as gives Harvest and gives victory and makes his children as conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

Red: Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord is our righteousness. (Jeremiah 23:6) He warns His people when they are tempted and corrects them. However, those who reject Him will be consumed by fire. (Hebrew 11:29)

Do I know Him and have eternal life? (John 17:3)