The reason for the season (Christmas) is God sent His Son into this world to redeem humanity. (John 3:16) However, the mission continues until the gates of grace are open and until the Lord comes again. The followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are commissioned and commanded to be involved in missions. What does it mean to be engaged in God’s mission?
Declare His Glory: The mission is to declare the glory of God. Believers by being salt and light could provoke all others to glorify the Heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:14-16) The deeds of believers create a thirst for truth. Whatever, disciples do it should be for the glory of God. The lifestyle of a Christian is worship, giving glory to God. (I Corinthians 10:31)
Display His Majesty: The mission is to help people understand the truth: God is Sovereign, King of Kings, Lord of Lord, Eternal, Almighty, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. There are no other gods, no counterfeits, equals, or competitors.
Deploy His presence: The Great Commission is to go to the ends of the earth. All geographical areas extend to all continents, hills, deserts, islands, cities, villages, and all human habitations. Wherever the soles of feet of God’s people touch would be transformed. (Deuteronomy 11:24) God’s children are bearers of God’s presence, in the dark world.
Demonstrate His Power: God confirmed His Word by signs and wonders. (Hebrews 2:4) Globally, wherever the gospel is preached, God’s power is manifest. The world has been turned upside down. Freedom for slaves, healing for the sick, educating superstitious people, biblical values changing culture, and government policies that represent Biblical values. Satan intends to rob, kill, and destroy, but the gospel brings reconciliation, restoration, and redemption.
Dispense His Love: When the Lord Jesus Christ saw the crowd, he was moved with compassion. (Matthew 9:36) When he saw the rich young man, he saw him and loved him. (Mark 10:21) Throughout history the church has dispensed the love, merch, and compassion as the Lord did during his earthly ministry.
Do I engage in this Christmas mission?