Matthew records that wise men from the East came to worship the new-born king. (Matthew 2:1-11) Some scholars think there was a great delegation of over twelve to sixty, while others state they were just three. Legends state their names are Gaspar from India, Melchor from Persia, and Balthasar from Babylon. They were scholars and astronomers, probably belonging to royal families. Some scholars think that these wise men were aware of the prophecy of Balaam, who later became a false prophet, and linked the new star they observed to the King/Messiah. (Numbers 24:17)
1) Search: Wise people are those who search for truth. These wise men understood Lord Jesus as Truth, and asked: Where is he? Ignorance of truth is no excuse, everyone born in this world should long and belong to the Truth.
2) Why this search: Their search had a very clear purpose, they wanted to worship the New-born King. It was not just an academic exercise, but a life search for the Truth.
3) Do not be distracted: As academic scholars, they reasoned that the king should be born in the palace and reach the home of Herod. World and its principles, philosophies, and even religions like king Herod will distract seekers away from the Truth.
4) Ask for direction: Wise men are not afraid to learn. They were not proud to reject suggestions, but humble to receive directions. The scribes summoned by Herod quoted from prophet Micah and gave them direction. (Micah 5:2)
5) Pursuit: Getting destination, as guided by the star they pursued to reach Him. They did not stop or give up until they reached.
6) Give the best: They not only worshiped him, but they also gave their best. The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold indicating royalty, incense symbol of deity, and myrrh signifying the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ.
7) Go in the other direction: After meeting the Lord, they cannot pursue an old lifestyle, they have to take a new direction and so should everyone who meets him.
Am I wise to follow Lord Jesus Christ?