Interestingly, the Egyptians believed in an afterlife and had elaborate cultural rituals. The Book of the Dead is a collection of mortuary texts, Coffin texts, or Pyramid texts that have spells, magic formulas, incantations, and instructions for the afterlife. There were authors and scribes, who compiled these writings on rolls of papyrus, with colorful illustrations. In the pyramids, the walls had these writings. These are generally written in hieroglyphic or hieratic script. It was sold for burial use. There are about 200 chapters, but there is none that contains all the chapters. The deceased from the tomb descends to the underworld and regains powers of movement and speech. There is judgment, in which the deceased should mention the list of 42 sins they did not commit (negative confession). If vindicated, they become gods or will be consumed by a monster.
No graveyards in Egypt? The Israelites delivered from Egyptian slavery quite often murmured against Moses. They said, were there not enough graveyards in Egypt? (Exodus 14:11) In Egypt, one can find graves everywhere of mighty men, kings, priests, priestesses, also graves of crocodiles, oxen, and others. One of the catacombs has graves for twenty-four great bulls. There were pyramids, some were built on thirteen acres of ground.
Afterlife: Many do not believe in life after death. For a few, it is a mystery. For others it is misery. Some think the body is material, which shall perish and there is no soul or spirit, hence no afterlife. Yet, many are under the grip of fear of death, hence afraid to die. (Hebrews 2:15) Paul writes that death is the final enemy of humans. (I Corinthians 15:26) As Christ triumphed over death, Christians will triumph over death to live with Him forever.
Book of Life: Those who repent and receive Lord Jesus Christ as their savior and Lord will have their names in the Book of Life. They do not need the Book of Death. (Revelation 3:5)
Do I rejoice as my name is found in the Book of Life?