John Stott (1921-2011) was a renowned preacher, teacher, thinker, theologian and writer. He lived in England and was a global blessing. His life has inspired many and has deliberately invested in the lives of young people to make them great leaders. Books written by him are a good interpretation of Scripture and appropriate application to our context. Once, he shared that God has specifically called him to this ministry and also commanded him to remain unmarried. When God calls a person for some specific strategic purpose, he expects a higher level of consecration and commitment.
1) Legally right: Paul thinks there are things that are lawful or legally right, but not profitable. (I Corinthians 10:23) John Stott, as an ordinary human and a disciple had the right to marry. However, God had a purpose in which he need not be married.
2) Morally right: Marriage of a bachelor with a spinster is morally and legally right. Nevertheless, for the purpose of His call, John Stott had to sacrifice that.
3) Not right for God’s purpose: Even though marriage is legally and morally permissible for all, it was not permissible for John Stott as he had to fulfil his call for the Ministry. In other words, he has to choose between living a life according to God’s Higher Purpose or forfeit the purpose and remain as a disciple. An athlete can eat whatever he likes, but it will not allow him to be fit to run a race. A soldier can be engaged in civil affairs or wear fancy dress, but he will not be able to fulfil the purpose for which he was recruited.
Sometimes, God calls us for a greater purpose which requires higher level of commitment, discipline, sacrifice and forsaking many legally or morally permissible things. This is because God needs His instruments in the history of humanity. Only those who are willing to listen, and sacrifice could be used by God. Joseph, David, Daniel, Jeremiah, Elijah had to forego certain normal lives to be used by God.
Am I pursuing God’s purpose?