A person was working in a private bank and was earning a salary of Rs 275000 a month. This is more than an average labourer (Rs. 500 a day) pay for one year. God had blessed him with education, talents, and opportunities. Manikandan was married and had two sons. On 1 January 2022 he killed his wife, two sons and committed suicide. (The Hindu newspaper dated 2 January 2022) He had high debts and could not repay them; and he was reported to be addicted in gambling, and thought he could win and become rich. In India, his life could be considered as a highly privileged and fortunate person, because of his job and family. Yet, his life ended in a painful tragedy. The simple reason is lack of contentment.
Secret of contentment: “But Godliness with contentment is great gain.” (I Timothy 6:6) The secret of contentment lies in Godliness. When a person does not have a relationship with God, s/he cannot derive meaning and purpose for life. Why we live determines how we live.
Basis for contentment: Godliness helps a person to realise that s/he is a temporary resident of the world, bringing nothing and taking nothing. (I Timothy 6:7)
Basics for contentment: When a person knows meaning and purpose for life, understands that only basic amenities are needed to live for that purpose. Paul mentions just two of them: food and clothing, while government or human rights organisations could add more. (I Timothy 6:8)
Insatiable desire: Money creates an insatiable desire to accumulate more. John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest persons in the world, whose net worth was about 1% of the entire US economy was asked in an interview: How much is enough? He answered: “Just a little bit more.”
Ruin and Destruction: Consequences of mindless pursuit of wealth is self-destruction. Paul writes: “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” (I Timothy 6:9)
Am I driven by covetousness or calm with contentment?