Curse and blessings

A young girl became a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her family members thought she was demon-possessed. A reputed sorcerer was summoned, he frequented between home and cemeteries several times. He sat before the girl and muttered several mantras. Then he realized it was impossible to fight against the One in her as He was greater. (I John 4:4) Taking the small tray with sacred ashes in his palm, he drew a picture of a cross and gave it to the girl, asking her to apply it on her forehead. Then he whispered in her ears: “Your God is great; you will be taken away from this place soon to safety.” Yes, the girl came out of that place to serve the Lord powerfully.

Balaam summoned: Balak the king of Moab was scared about the Nation of Israel. What if this Nation attacks Moab? Balak thought his army was inadequate and hence needed some other resources, a curse upon these people. Balaam the seer was summoned to curse Israel. However, Balaam blessed Israel. (Numbers 23:1-10)

How can I curse? No human or demon can curse the persons whom God has blessed. They cannot reverse the blessing to a curse. Balaam’s efforts were futile and indeed an attempt to fight against God.

No One of many: Israel considers itself as not one among the nations. They are chosen for a special role in the redemption of the world. The disciples of Lord Jesus Christ are different, and function as instruments of righteousness of God.

Dwell alone: Israel had to preserve itself as a distinct nation. Consecrated, holy, and living for the Glory of God.

Cannot count: Balaam said that it is not possible to count the dust of Jacob. (Genesis 13:16) God promised Abraham that his descendants would like the dust of the earth.

Death of righteous: Balaam declared that Israel lived as righteous and would die as righteous and he desired a righteous death. But, because of his backsliding did not die as a righteous. (Numbers 31:8)

Do I trust in God’s protection of the righteous?